
Expanding the events feature by helping users schedule recurring events.

Role:  UX Designer
Tools:  Figma, Adobe Illustrator


Let’s meet every Sunday!

More groups beyond simply "gamers" are using Discord as it gains popularity. Larger organizations and communities are increasingly using it to connect and host a series of events. Currently, if someone has a recurring or multi-day event, they must manually add each session.

My proposed addition would be to flush out the present event flow to allow users to set up recurring events in a single process.


Project Goals


Let’s not reinvent the wheel

The first things I did to prep for this project were to see how Discord currently lets users schedule events and how everyone else does it. Spoiler alert - most major apps, besides Discord, do it about the same. There are slight differences like selecting the time with a dropdown or with a popup clock, the day of the week picker being a check box versus buttons, some even incorporate both options depending if you are using ‘quick create’ or full detail. But, the overall flow and what it allowed users to do was very similar.
Outlook and Google Calendars event screens use various methods depending what view users are in.

Discord’s Current Event Scheduler

Discord uses some of the same pieces as the others but omits the option to make the event into a multi-event series. I’d also like to give props to Discord’s support team and writers. Their support page has very detailed instructions with pictures, gifs, and assets that made working on this project much easier.


Matching Discord’s Design

Again, kudos to Discord for their documentation. Short of some specific icons I was easily able to find most of their design system on their site for use in this project.

My original wireframes (shown below) looked good at first. Then I put them side-by-side with the current flow and realized they didn’t exactly match. Once I recreated Discord’s existing screens it was a simple process to match my designs with theirs.
The first draft of the recurrence scheduler.
A close approximation to Discord’s current flow


The End Result

Final Thoughts

Discord is gaining popularity as a mainstream messaging and networking app. As I continue networking and joining design communities I get invited to more events hosted inside Discord. At least one time during each event the host or another event planner makes the - now expected - comment “I wish Discord let you set recurring events”. As its user base grows, Discord needs to grow with it and a feature like this is a simple but impactful quality-of-life improvement.
OverviewResearchWireframesMockupsThe End Result